This FOX animated comedy is a spin-off of the much-loved series Family Guy. The series features the adventures of Peter Griffin's neighbor Cleveland Brown. Many years ago, Cleveland made a promise to his old high school sweetheart, Donna. Cleveland, along with Cleveland Junior, move to… More Stoolbend, VA to start a new life with Donna and her two children.
The Cleveland Show is produced by 20th Century Fox Television in association with Fuzzy Door Productions. Theme song: "My name is Cleveland Brown, and I'm proud to be, right back in my home town, with my new family".
"There's old friends and new friends and even a bear, through good times and bad times it's true love we share! So I found a place where everyone will know, my happy mustache face, this is The Cleveland Show! Watch The Cleveland Show Season 2 Episode 11 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Roberta? Online...
The Cleveland Show Season 2 Episode 11 s02e11 summary: After Roberta stands Donna up at the school carnival, Donna is hurt when she realizes how much they have grown apart. Donna tries to explain to Cleveland how she feels for support, but Cleveland instead criticizes her parenting skills. Cleveland seems to think he's such a good parent, so Donna decides to let him test his parenting skills on a teenage girl and leaves him to deal with Roberta by himself. In an attempt to win Roberta's approval, Cleveland lets her throw a house party, which ends up causing her to run off with her new boyfriend, Diego, and leading Cleveland, Federline and Raymond on a wild goose chase to save her.