Community is an American television comedy series created by Dan Harmon that is broadcast by NBC. The series is about a group of students at a community college in Colorado. The series premiered Thursday, September 17, 2009, and airs in the 8:00pm ET time slot. It previously aired in the 9:30pm ET time slot, beginning with its premiere, but later relocated with its fourth episode. The series is a joint-venture production between Universal Media Studios and Sony Pictures Television.
Annie returns from spring break to find that her crush Rich, the Dr., has enrolled at Greendale Community College, sparking a heated debate about whether to add Rich and/or Senor Chang to the study group. Shirley’s ex-husband Andre is back in the picture and Shirley has some big news for everyone.
For those who haven’t been following the show for the last 2 seasons it has been on air then let us give you a reminder of what the show is about, ahead of today’s episode. Community is a series based on This Stripes and is a comedy about a group of misfits attending Community College. Jeff Winger is a lawyer who had his degree revoked, and had to go back to college. While there, he forms a study group and along with his fellow study group members, who get to learn about each other, themselves, and life.t-align: justify;">
Can Joel McHale and the rest of the crew crank out another good episode? To find out, tune in to NBC today at 20:00 to watch Community season 2 episode 12 ‘Asian Population Studies’.