Supernatural Season 6 Episode 13 - Unforgiven

Watch Supernatural  Season 6 Episode 13 - Unforgiven. Sam begins to have memories of a case he worked with Samuel before returning to Dean. Sam receives a mysterious text with the coordinates in a small town, if the brothers decide to investigate. Dean is surprised when people start to say something of what Sam did while he lived there.

The next episode of Supernatural Season 6 is entitled as "Unforgiven" (sounds like the Clint Eastwood western LOL) when the issue date is February 11, 2011 Friday night at 9:00 p.m. ET After the return of soul Sam, Castiel Sam barks the truth, the encounter of amazing dragon, C4 and the Dragonslayer sword, virgin sacrifice and purgatory revelation (see Supernatural Season 6 episode 12 for more details on these things), it seems that Sam's memory returns to hell soul beyond gradually. And episode 13 of the season, the Winchester brothers will move to a place where Sam and Samuel worked together.