Lights Out Season 1 Episode 8 Head Games

Genre:             Drama
Show Status:   Current

Lights Out, from Fox TV Studios and FX Prods., centers on Patrick “Lights” Leary (McCallany), an aging former heavyweight boxing champion who struggles to support his wife (McCormack), a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, and three daughters after his fighting days are over. Diagnosed with a neurological disorder called pugilistic dementia, he takes a job as a legbreaker, collecting on unpaid gambling debts.
After Lights won the fight against evil (aka Morales) in this week’s episode of Lights Out, he is ready to face his next tough fight, the one fight he truely cares about.

In next week’s episode, Head Games, Lights needs to find himself a new coach, after Pops refuses to train him. He finds a really cool trainer, that doesn’t follow the rules. Will it work?
Lights Out Season: 1 Episode: 8 Lights, in dire need of alternative training, turns to an unorthodox boxing guru.
In dire need of alternative training, Lights turns to an unorthodox boxing guru.
Brand New Episode.

PLOT: “Lights Out” stars Holt McCallany as an aging former heavyweight boxing champion who struggles to find his identity and support his wife and three daughters after retiring from the ring. Financial problems leave him at a perilous crossroads battling the urge to return to boxing or reluctantly accepting a job as a brutal and intimidating debt collector.